This term was first used by Kate Fletcher in 2007, applying the suggestions of Carlo Petrini's slow food movement to the fashion sector, with the idea of defending good practices that intend to be a counter-proposal and an antidote, if not an open opposition, to the drifts of industrial production.
(…) Slow Fashion intends to celebrate personal style, of those who create and those who use it, encourages the documentation of production processes by promoting conscious consumption, enhances quality and, undoubtedly, urges us to consume less and better.

With these words, the Italian Enciclopedia Treccani defines the conscious approach to the world of fashion, an approach that puts the environment and its protection and respect for working conditions first.
But Slow Fashion is above all a contrast to the universe of Fast Fashion, which characterizes the fashion world with continuous creations of collections and new products, favoring the exploitation of cheap labor in developing countries.
As an emblem of frenetic consumerism, conditioned by an increasingly throwaway model, Fast Fashion has contributed over the years to increase pollution due to the production of garments, most of which are destined to be destroyed.
And it is precisely in the face of this euphoria, this incessant and uncontrolled production, that the slow approach offers itself as a valid alternative not only to the world of fashion, but also to everything that surrounds us. By slowing down our actions we notice the details, we allow ourselves time to carefully observe what surrounds us and stimulate our curiosity.
With this slow, detailed approach, we get to recover garments that had ended up at the bottom of our wardrobe, to rediscover the taste of fixing what is broken, thus giving a new life to a product that we thought was lost, or that simply was no longer part of our way of being.
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